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Dota 2 MENA Cup

July 7 to July 30

AD Gaming kicks off with its first tournament this July with the Dota 2 MENA Cup presented by Flash Entertainment. Watch as the top 128 teams in the region battle it out for a prize pool of AED 20,000! The tournament also features fun activities, giveaways and a special surprise. Stay tuned!
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Tournament details

    • 5v5
    • General Lobby Settings:
    • Game Mode: Captains Mode
    • Lobby Password: Mandatory*
    • Server Location: Default server based on country.
    • Lobby Visibility: Public
    • Enable Cheats: OFF
  • Advanced Lobby Settings
    • Selection Priority: Automatic (coin toss)
    • Penalty-Radiant: No Penalty
    • Penalty-Dire: No Penalty
    • League: None
    • Spectators: Disabled
    • Dota TV Delay: 5 Minutes
    • Pausing: Unlimited
    • Players must be 15+ to participate in this tournament
    • A team must consist of 5 main players + 1 substitutes
      • Games will start when both teams are present and ready. Each Team has a 15 minutes grace period to enter the lobby (Match schedule + 15 minutes). Players who enter the lobby after 15 minutes will result in a loss for the team.
      • A Gamers Hub game admin will add both team captains or team representatives to the lobby. Lobby information will be given prior to the scheduled match timing.
      • Teams are not allowed to change their players once the match has started. The use of standings are allowed, teams must first inform the game admin before the start of the match.
      • A pause shouldn’t be more than 5 minutes. In cases where a longer pause is needed, both opposing team and game admin must agree to it. Abuse of pause will lead to a disqualification.
    • REMAKE
      • If the admin says the game should be remake, the game will be remade. All players must choose the same heroes again when a remake occurs.
      • BUG
        • Exploiting known or newly discovered bugs during the game will result in a disqualification of the exploiting team.
      • Spectators are not allowed inside the lobby/game.
      • Game updates may occur during the tournament. In such cases, matches will be on hold until updates finish.


  • The official language of this section is English.
  • Gamers Hub Media Events tournament organizers reserve the right to decide outside or even against the rulebook in special cases to guarantee fairplay.
    • All registering players must complete the registration form.
      • Gamers Hub Media Events reserves the right to refuse any player registration if their registration is incorrect / incomplete.
  • Prize Distribution: Prizes will be distributed within 60 days after the end of the tournament.
    • Payout: Player(s) must provide complete contact information with ID proof, phone number, address and bank transfer / preferred payment method details within 45 days of tournament completion to claim their prize. Tournament Organizers reserve the right to forfeit the prize if these details are not received within 45 days of tournament completion.
    • Players must be from the tournament region and provide valid ID proof of the same. If a winner is not from within the tournament region, they forfeit their winnings.
    • For prizes, all charges of remittance to be borne by the beneficiary / winner.
  • Changes to General Rules: Tournament dates are subject to change. Each participant is assumed to be aware of all the rules and check them periodically.
    • Insufficient knowledge of the rules can not be used as an excuse for breaking the rules.
    • Participation in any Tournament will constitute acceptance of the changed rules, instructions and guidance.
  • Acceptance: Each participant must agree to these rules in order to participate in the tournament.
  • Enforcement of the General Rules: Tournament organizers will be responsible for, among other things, providing participants, and game admins updates on rules, tournament changes, and ensuring compliance with the General Rules.


  • Eligibility: Players must be 15+ to participate in this tournament.
  • This tournament is set for the MENA Region, for teams who have players in other countries, a minimum requirement must be followed:
    • for example: 3 players from Lebanon and 2 players from Kazakhstan
      • Majority of the team members must be within the MENA Region
  • Participating countries for Dota 2 MENA Cup tournament:
    • Saudi Arabia
    • United Arab Emirates
    • Kuwait
    • Qatar
    • Bahrain
    • Oman
    • Iraq
    • Jordan
    • Lebanon
    • Egypt
    • Morocco
    • Libya
    • Tunisia
    • Algeria
    • Syria
    • Palestine
  • Proof of Residency: Participants may be requested to provide photo ID proof. Players without valid ID proof will be disqualified and will forfeit any prize winnings.
  • Player Names: A player’s gamer tag or in-game nickname may not include any word or phrase in any language that is offensive, toxic, or hurtful. Tournament Officials reserve the right to reject any registration if players refuse to change their GamerTag.
  • Registration: All players must comply with the registration requirements to be eligible to compete in the tournament.
    • Any player who plays in the tournament but is not registered is automatically disqualified.
    • Participants must ensure they provide correct information upon registration.
      • Duplicates and incorrect registration will result in an incomplete registration and not eligible to participate.
  • Team Logos: Tournament organizers reserves the right to edit any logos that break the following rules:
    • Has resemblance or are identical to any brand or trademark that they do not own
    • Is protected by third-party rights and no written permission to use
    • Trying to imitate a real person other than themselves
    • Pure nonsense
    • Discriminatory names, including but not limited to any language regarding ethnicity, nationality, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation is not allowed at all.
      • All team logos submitted will be treated as final and require no change.
  • Hardware / Software issues: Every player is responsible for his own connection and has to have a good internet connection to avoid possible ‘lag’.
    • Any hardware or software issues from any players must be fixed before the start of the match. Any lag or connection issues will not be entertained by the tournament Admins.
    • Complaining about losing a game incorrectly after a match can not be taken into account in the final outcome of a match. If there are reasons to suspect that your opponent is not playing by the rules or serious lag occurs for a long time, report this to the admin before your opponent has taken advantage of the problem. (The beginning of the game.)
  • Tournament-Related Events: Each player agrees to participate in: (1) live stream interviews, (2) Video shoots, (3) other media events, that the Tournament Organizer will organize for promotional purposes. The Tournament Organizer shall have the right to sanction or disqualify any player or Team that fails to attend and participate fully in any scheduled Media Event.
  • Grant of Rights: Each participant grants the Tournament Organizer permission to live stream, broadcast or record his or her gameplay at any Tournament. Participants further grant the Tournament Organizer a royalty-free, fully paid-up, worldwide right and license (with the right to grant sublicenses) to publish, distribute, use and display his or her full name, photograph, image, avatar, voice, video, game play statistics, and biographical information, and create works of the foregoing items, in all present and future media, in connection with (a) the broadcast or streaming of any coverage of all or any part of a Tournament; (b) the marketing and promotion of any Official Competition or any Tournament or part thereof; and (c) the marketing and promotion of the Tournament.
  • Matches: Matches will start as scheduled, unless Tournament Admins say otherwise. All participants must be ready 15 minutes prior to the start of the match.
    • Delays: Players may not delay any matches without the consent of a Tournament Official. Players can request an Official to enforce a 5 minute timer.
    • Lag: As the game is hosted on dedicated servers, replays will not be issued for lag.
    • Disputes: In order to dispute game results, participants must notify a Tournament Official.
    • Purposely Disconnecting: Any player that has disconnected from the game without reconnecting, with the intention to get a remake of the game, will get a loss by default.
    • Personal Streaming: Participants are not allowed to stream their games without any form of consent from Tournament Officials. If found streaming, players will be asked to stop and take down the stream.
    • Newsletter: All participants who register agree to receive Gamers Hub Media Events communication and newsletter.


  • High Standards for Professionals: All participants must observe the highest standards of personal integrity and good sportsmanship at all times. Participants must behave in a professional and sportsmanship manner in their interactions with other participants, Tournament Officials and Tournament Organizers.
  • Competitive Integrity: All participants are expected to compete to the best of their ability at all times in this tournament.
  • Disqualifications: Any violation of these General Rules may result in disqualification. All decisions made by the Tournament Organizers and Tournament Officials in regard to violations of these General Rules are final and binding.


  • Collusion: Any form of collusion is prohibited.
    • Example of collusion is:
      • Purposely losing a Tournament Game for compensation, or for any other reason, or attempting to induce another player to do so.
  • Cheating: The use of any kind of cheating device or program is considered as cheating, and may result in a ban and other penalties.
  • Exploiting: Intentionally using any in-game bug to seek an advantage is exploiting. Making use of any game function that is not functioning as intended is also exploiting.
  • Ringing: Playing under another player’s account, or soliciting someone else to play under another player’s account.
  • Vulgar: Participants may not use any language that is offensive, insulting, obscene, threatening, foul. This rule applies to speech in English, Arabic, and all other languages.
  • Drugs and Alcohol: Use, distribution of drugs or alcohol, or being under the influence of controlled substances, is strictly prohibited while a participant is engaged in any Tournament. Prescription drugs may only be used to treat the condition for which they are prescribed and may not be used to enhance performance in a Tournament Game.
  • Gambling: Participants are not allowed to place, or attempt to place bets on any Tournament Games.


  • Harassment: Any form of harassment is prohibited. Harassment is defined as hostile and repeated acts taking place over a period of time.
  • Sexual Harassment: Sexual Harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances. The assessment is based on whether the person being harassed would regard the conduct as offensive. There is zero tolerance for any sexual threats or the promise of advantages in exchange for sexual favors.
  • Discrimination and Denigration: Participants may not offend the dignity or integrity of a country, person or group of people through discriminatory or denigrating words or actions on account of race, skin color, ethnic, national or social origin, gender, language, religion, political opinion, financial status, birth, sexual orientation or any other reason.
  • Confidentiality: Without the consent of the Tournament Organizer, a participant may not disclose any confidential information provided by the Tournament Organizer to the participant in relation to any Official Competition. Participants shall be obligated to keep information provided by the Tournament Organizer confidential.
  • Illegal Activity: Participants must comply with all applicable laws at all times. Participants may not engage in any activity which is in violation with laws, regulations or public security administration rules.
  • Immoral Activity: Participants may not engage in any activity which, in the sole determination of the Tournament Organizer, is unethical, immoral or disgraceful.
  • Bribery: No participant may offer any gift or cash or other reward to a player, coach, manager, other participants, Tournament Official, the Tournament Organizer or any other person connected with or employed by another Team in order to influence the outcome of a Tournament Game.
  • Gifts: No Team Member may accept any gift, reward or compensation from another Team or player (or anyone acting on their behalf).
  • Non-Compliance: No Team Member may refuse to comply with the instructions or decisions of the Tournament Organizer or Officials.
  • Match-Fixing: No Team Member may offer, agree, or conspire to fix a match or take any other action to intentionally and unfairly alter, or attempt to alter, the results of any Tournament Game. Match-fixing will be subject to maximum penalty in each instance. If a Team Member is asked to “fix” the outcome of a Tournament Game or to otherwise take part in any actions prohibited by these General Rules or the applicable Competition-Specific Rules, that Team Member must immediately report this request to the Tournament Organizer.
  • Document Submission: Parental consents, and other documentation may be required at various times by the Tournament Organizer. A Team Member violates these General Rules if he or she knowingly provides inaccurate information to the Tournament Organizer. A Team may be subject to sanctions if the documentation is not complete.
  • Drop Outs and Refusals to Participate: If a Team Member or Team registers for, or agrees to participate in, any Official Competition, he or she may not, without the prior written consent of the Tournament Organizer, drop out or refuse to participate in any Tournament Game.


  • Investigations by the Tournament Organizer: The Tournament Organizer will have the right to monitor compliance with these General Rules and the applicable Competition-Specific Rules and investigate possible breaches. By agreeing to these General Rules, each participant agrees to cooperate with the Tournament Organizer in any internal or external investigation that the Tournament Organizer conducts relating to a suspected violation of these General Rules, the applicable Competition-Specific Rules or applicable law. Participants have a duty to tell the truth in connection with any investigation conducted by or for the Tournament Organizer and have a further duty not to obstruct any such investigation, mislead investigators or withhold evidence.
  • Sanctions: If the Tournament Organizer determines that a Team Member or a Team has committed a violations of these General Rules or the Registration Requirements, the Tournament Organizer may, in its reasonable discretion, issue any or all of the following disciplinary actions: (a) verbal or written public warning(s); (b) prize forfeiture; (c) game forfeiture; (d) Tournament forfeiture; (e) suspensions; and (f) disqualification and ban.
  • Repeated Infractions: Repeated infractions are subject to escalating penalties, up to and including disqualification from participation in Official Competitions.
  • Final Determination: Offenses and infringements of these General Rules and the applicable Competition rules are punishable, intentionally or not.


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